Now I started taking photos. lol. After a little lie in (woke the kids at 8:30) we went down to breakfast. Well we tried to, on the way we bumped into this fluffy individual. :) Cameron and Mollie were happy to pose, Caitlin again having none of it. lol.

Breakfast was a typical french fare. Lots of pastries, cold meats and cereals. I ate a daft amount of croissants. Weight watchers out the window! Caitlin had 6 yogurts, honestly 6. Normally limit her to two at home so think she thought she'd won the lottery. lol
Rather than tackle the disneyland park our first day we thought we'd see some of the shows in movie world. To be honest the adults were still worn out from the previous days travel!
Kids posing with the broom from scoerers apprentice, NOT fantasia like my mum insisted. lol

There were loads of bits around the park where you can have you photo taken with statues of characters. Really is a scrappers dream. lol. These are some people (not sure what to call them, agents I think) from Monsters inc, was disappointed there wasn't a Boo statue as Caitlin loves boo but hey ho.

The first ride we went on in Movie world was spinning cars from Cars (funny that, lol) When I first told the kids we were going to disneyland and showed them the booklet there were two rides Cameron wanted to go on, the spinning cars and the runaway mine train. Luckily I told him he's too small for the mine train but was SO excited when he saw the cars. Cant say I was too impressed, they were the exact same as the diesel ride at Thomas land but apprenthy them being cars and not grumpy trains makes all the difference.

This is the new area based on toy story 3. Everything is huge so you feel like a toy (as you can see) There wern't many rides, in fact all we went on was a slinky dog roller coaster, but there were lots of photo ops.

Cameron was VERY impressed to see that the bench he's standing on in this photo is shaped like a bit of brio train track. I was less than impressed with myself when I realised Id put Caitlins jeans on him that morning. Woops. Told you the adults were tired. lol

On the note of tired we decided to watch some shows and headed to Animagic. I saw this when cameron was a baby and LOVED it. Glad to say its not really changed much, it's basically a pitch black show but all the puppets and characters are covered in a neon material which lights up in black light. The kids loved it as it really does look like the fish are flying around above you rather than being on sticks held by guys dressed in black.
After a quick lunch, during which my mum moaned CONSTANTLY that a callipo cost £2.50, we went into the animation center (not called this really but what I call it) The kids love it in here as you can colour in, put your own voice to cartoons etc. Caitlin sat at this touch screen computer for AGES colouring in Thumper (blue and green) and Flounder (red and purple) not quite the traditional colours but she was happy with them. :)

Now to say Mollie is a fussy eater would be an understatement. No sauce, nothing added, everythings got to be plain. So after not eating her plain burger at lucnh we went in search for more food for her. Eventually settling on popcorn, lol. However on our search we bumped into this guy :) One thing I have to say about disneyland is that all the characters were SO sweet and really went out of thier way to pose with the kids and chat to them. Mickey was no different, dancing with Mollie and giving them kisses (Caitlin hid behind my mum) I think it makes such a difference to the kids. :) I've since found out most of them are english which might explain it a bit, lol. When its busier and the french take over its apparently not quite as friendly.

I'll end today's rambing with some pictures from the stars and cars parade. First parade the kids saw and really enjoyed it. :) Next day is the big 'Once upon a dream' parade. :)