Yesterday we went to the local farm to see Santa. The kids were a bit shy about the idea of telling him what they wanted so choose to make a list they could hand to hin instead. Caitlin dictated hers to mark and he wrote and drew them. Top of the list was Doggie Doo. A game where the dog poops out playdough and whoever gets the most poops wins. I HATE the idea of this game but shes been going on about it for weeks now so ordered it last night. lol

Camerons list he dictated to me, then he copied it and drew a picture himself. Top of Camerons list was the Micro Scalextric Disney Pixar Cars - RaceORama Race Set. Which again, we hadn't bought (we haven't done too well this year have we? lol) To be honest I think he's too young, its not cheap and when hes played on similar sets in the past hes done the typical thing of holding down the switch so the car goes flying off. But hubby insists that if its top of the list we HAVE to get it, so that went on the credit card too *sigh* oh well will have two happy kids come Christmas morning!

Well lists done we set off for the farm. I've never been there at Christmas, choosing to go further afield even though this is right round the corner, well I'll certainly be going again next year! The santa was amazing. It was in a big barn, you went into the first part and made cards while you waited, then when santa was ready you went into his office. really it was amazing. Santa was sitting at a huge desk covered in papers and toys, one was was just covered in wrapped gifts and there were lights and toys everywhere. Santa asked the kids names and checked they were on the nice list (they were, lol) then spoke to them for a while about what they wanted and about his sleigh etc. Was so proud as both kids were very chatty :) He then pulled a big lever and a toy train came chuffing out of a tunnel in the wall, holding a little scroll. Santa told them the elves used the little scrolls to tell him all about where the children would be on christmas, so if they were staying at their Nannies or somewhere he would still know. After giving them a gift, he pulled another lever and a secret door opened in the wall of gifts for us to leave through. It was really all magic and the kids loved it. :) After Santa we went for lunch. The cafe was in a beautiful old fashioned room with proper log fire. so cosy and really fitting. :)

All fed and off to play! The kids loved the park and didn't even seem to notice the cold, lol. Caitlin was so excited about going on the barrel ride. Its basically pulled along by a little tractor around the farm and through a big puddle. Think by her face she wasn't too sure when she went on it but she went on twice more so think she got over it pretty quick lol.

All in all was a great trip :) Today is a lot more boring. Ironing, washing and hopefully a little bit of crafting this afternoon. Marks at hospital tomorrow for an all day thing so want to get the house sorted so its that bit easier. lol