Friday 28 February 2014

Christmas in February

Today has been a all over the place day. My Gran was coming to dinner, but as I had to pick my niece up at 12, then had a meeting at 1 I had to do dinner in the morning. So morning was spent peeling veg, potatoes and making a apple crumble. Then a mad rush to do some housework before having to go out.
Feeling very rushed overall atm. I'm away next weekend and somehow it has snuck up on me. I've done NONE of the shopping, food prep, housework or anything I need to do before a trip, haven't even cleaned the car. So this week is going to be crazy busy and on top of that I have a number of meetings, doctors appointments, vets appointments and the like so this week is very full up! *sigh*
Well panic to one side its a quiet house tonight. Caitlin is staying over at my Mums with Mollie and when I dropped her off Mum had a surprise for them both. Not sure if you can see it but that's Christmas paper there lol. Mums is dreadful for buying gifts, hiding them and finding them months later. This was a huge colour in princess house which I'm sure will keep them busy for a while. :)
Caitilin in Rapunzels wig.
Well tomorrow Caitlin has a dance exam but as thats not until the afternoon I'm keeping my fingers crossed I can get some jobs crossed off my list in the morning. Wish me luck!!

Thursday 27 February 2014

Birthdays all done :)

This morning my Mum and I went to town for Mum to put some money in the bank and me to look in TkMaxx. Now AGES ago, like November time Caitlin asked for a 3DS. I'd already bought her christmas gifts by then so said we'd get one for her birthday, she was fine with this. I've been asking at regular intervals since then to check thats what she wanted and each time she says yes. Then last week she announces she doesnt want that anymore, she wants a Elsa, frozen dress. At which point the beautiful one I saw in Tkmaxx before christmas flashes through my mind, which I didn't buy because she wanted a ds *sigh*. Well had a look and true enough the one I saw with the pretty faux fur shrug was gone but they did have a similar blue sparkly one so got that. :) Hopefully will fit the bill. I got a few other bits for her while there so that was Caitlin done.
Cameron was a little harder. He wants the new Mario game, and new Lego game. Both £45 each. Way too much for a couple of games IMO. Told Mark if I could get them for around £60 I'd pay it but no more. Then I get an email form Very giving me £20 off my next spend, so I managed to get both games for £62 (didn't mind the extra £2 lol) So now both birthdays sorted for gifts so very happy :)
Still scrapping away with my old photos. These are old photos from when Mark was selling some bits on ebay. Caitlin saw this piggy bank and thought it looked fun, then she pressed the buttons and it started to move and talk and she freaked out lol.
These are from the train back form Disney the first time we went with both kids ages ago. You can't see in the photo but the green cardstock is mettalic :)

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Feeling old!!!

So what did I do today?? I have no idea lol. Seriously it's 9:50, I'm sitting at the PC and I have no idea where today has gone. Last night I admit I didn't sleep well. I was worried about Scamp being downstairs on his own so rather than put him in the hall as usual I slept in the living room with him. Well I say slept, I slept very little! I have a bad back anyway due to an injury years ago and the couch did no good to it so very sore today and sleepy today. Scamp was fine though so not worried about putting him back in the hall tonight lol. He did make me laugh though, as he had the cone on I didn't want him sleeping in his cage as I'd been warned it was dangerous to leave them in the cage with a collar in case it got caught, obviously the gauze strip used to hold the cone on would be just as bad so I dragged all his blankets out and made a pile on the floor for him to sleep on. This morning I picked them up and decided they were in desperate need of a wash so put them in the washing machine. Scamp was NOT pleased at this! Seriously he climbed up and tried to drag it back out lol. Reminds me of when the kids were young and I'd wash their teddies.
So as well as a bad back I've managed to hurt my knee. I was doing my workout dvd and suddenly got a sharp pain. It now feels bruised and clicks when I bend it. God I feel old lol.
Aside from moaning and doing housework I do seem to have got my mojo back a bit though :) I actually did this layout a while ago but don't think I've shared it yet. Love this photo of Caitlin and Mark years ago having a nap together :) Again using scraps and random bits. Determined to cut it all down before my retreat!
Not sure on this one. To be honest I'm not a big fan of the papers but gave it a shot. This picture was from Great yarmouth I think 4 years ago ish. We were showing the kids how to play pool and Cameron was getting very impatient for his turn!
Well tomorrow Scamp has a check up at the vets to see how his tummy is helaing. It looks much less red than yesterday and doesn't seem to be bothering him so I'm confident he'll be fine :) He's not allowed to go for walks again until Saturday and has been a little whirlwind today! Certainly got his energy back! :)

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Poor baby :(

This morning we took Scamp to get snipped. I felt dreadful leaving him there and had a little cry but had to be done. We dropped him off at 9 and were told to ring at 2:30 to see how he was so after getting shopping, coming home, doing housework and cursing the clock for not moving I gave in at 2:20 and rang lol. Was so relived to hear he was ok and we could go and collect him at 4:30 :)
As Caitlin has Rainbows on Monday night, I needed Mark to collect Scamp and only had a small car I dropped Cameron of at my Mums and picked up Caitlins friend Lucy from her house. I was surprised her gran was watching her as usually her Mum is home when I collect her but assumed she was working late. Her poor gran had no idea what was going on but Lucy grabbed her coat and was in the car like a shot. We drove to rainbows for 4:30 and waited outside, and waited, and waited. And then it hit me, Rainbows starts at 5:30 *facepalm* So after picking up Scamp I took Lucy to mine to play for a while while I got Cameron from my Mum who KNEW Rainbows wasn't until 5:30 but thought I was doing something Cameron shouldn't know about so kept quiet lol. God I need a holiday!
But Scamp is home and feeling very sorry for himself. He's had some chicken to eat and lots of cuddles and seems to picking up a little bit. He had a hernia fixed at the same time and the cut and stitches from that are huge! The actual neurtering one is tiny but the one on this stomach is a good inch and a half long and looking very angry. We have a cone in case he tries to lick it but he's not interested atm, just wants snuggles :)
I've been scrapping again too :) This one was for a challenge I set for me and my friend Jess. I gave this sketch
and we had to use some bling. This was my take :)
The photo is from my neices birthday party where she got some face paints and made me do butterflies on everyone. Not the best but I tried lol. Fairly simple layout, using last bits from an old counterfit kit so thats one down. Plenty more to come!

Monday 24 February 2014

New storage :)

Today I took my Mum to Northampton to look at couches and dresses for an upcoming wedding. Over there they have a store called 'Homesense' which is like TKmaxx but without clothes and it always has an absolute ton of craft stuff. Obviously I found my way there ;) Dissapointingly most of the craft stuff was either baking, knitting, damaged or really no cheaper than in normal stores, but I did find a large storage box for Mark :) Hes been after some more storage for his paints and modeling bits for a while so picked this up for him. Problem was, by the time I got home I'd thought about all the stash I could fit into it, being the nice wife that I am I still handed it over to a thrilled Mark. Then he saw me staring at it, so insisted I have it ;) Got to love him.
The front section opens up to show 2 pull out sectioned trays. Used these for all my brads, buttons, wooden vaneers etc.
Top holds my most used punches. Thrilled about this as they're usually stuck in a big box in the garage.
and I've tied all my washi to the sides with loops of ribbon.
Amazing how happy new storage makes me! :) :)

Sunday 23 February 2014


Back to school tomorrow! So asked the kids what they wanted to do today and both picked at home activities, Nerf guns for Cameron and a board game for Caitlin. Such home birds the two of them.
First though I made these pin boards for Caitlins room :) I bought Cameron a pin board a while ago so obviously Caitlin wanted one too, but the one she picked was £20 which IMO is a bit much. So when in Ikea I boguht some heat pad things for the kitchen which were 3 for £1 and stuck some washi tape on to make these :) I think if I had the time I would have weaved the tape in and out of each other but Caitlin was pulling on my arm asking if I was done yet so was a bit of a rush job. Good for £1 and 10 minutes though lol.
Love this picture. The kids were playing hide and seek and Scamp kept following Caitlin and giving away her places lol.
So a nice relaxing day today :) Managed more scrapping but havent had a chance to photograph them yet. Will catch up soon! Will end on a odd comment from Cameron today :s

Cameron - I've finished dinner can I have some more?
Me - Yeah sure, there's leftovers on the side help yourself.
Cameron *happily* - Its like being in prison!

Hes an odd kid.

Saturday 22 February 2014

Farm again

Due to the weather the kids haven't been out much this half term, so with only a couple of days left, and the sun shining we went to the farm :) As well as the animals they have lots of themed 'walks' where the kids can hunt for trolls or fairies or the witches house. Last time we went to see the trolls so decided on the witches house today.
We've been there before but still took a while to convince Caitlin that the witch wasn't home and even if she was she was nice lol. We found her house but luckily she wasn't home ;)
As well as the house there were lots of fary homes dotted about. There were 15 but we only found 9. Something to do next time I guess. Cameron kept trying to open the doors no matter how much I told him it wouldnt work. Love how he still has some innocence even though hes growing up :)
So after a fun day it was home for relaxing and a roast dinner. I'd put a chicken into the slower cooker this morning so wasn't much left to do. Love having a busy day outdoors and then a lovely, home cooked dinner :)

Friday 21 February 2014

Back to normal

After yesterdays fun filled day today is much more dull. It's a lovely day outside so I've left the back door open and the kids and Scamp are running randomly in and out. Still cold but at least its dry enough for them to do it. Also been unpacking my Ikea goodies and tidying away. I was very good and resisted all the potential stash storage, and the rolls of washi tape (I have enough atm lol) and only bought these.
I love the blue tags as will be great for journaling and the black and kraft ones are just plain kraft on the back. The paper clips arn't something I would usually use but I've seen them on other layouts and they look great so picked them up :) £4 for this bundle wasn't too bad I thought :)
So lots of tidying, ironing and kids playing today. Caitlins currently playing with her playdough which she always seems to want as soon as I've swept and mopped the floor lol. Camerons watching tv and an ad for the new 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2' just came on.

Me - why is the strawberry mooing?
Cameron - because he has legs

This is NOT the oddest thing said in my house I have to say lol

Thursday 20 February 2014


Today I went to see Wicked at Milton Keynes with my Mum and Mollie. I was SO excited!!!! Even more so when we halfway there and Mum suddenly said 'Can you find the nearest Ikea on your phone?' We were going Ikea too!!!! Ok its probably sad how excited I got but I LOVE Ikea and they are so far away I don't often get to go. Managed to resist spending a fortune but could so easily be done in there. Got Caitlin a new mirror, Cameorn a enw clock and some other bits and bobs for the house :) Then we were off to town! I promised the kids I would bring them back a doughnut each so first trip was to Krispy Kreme. Another place too far to go to often. I was going to buy 5 doughnuts (me, Mark, kids and my dad) but it was £7.50 for 5, or £10 for 12. No brainer really. ;)
So shopping done and we were off to see Wicked!!! I was SO excited!! :) Our seats were pretty good too. Quite high up but a good view still.
The show was AMAZING!!! I admit I welled up a bit when they sang defying gravity. The costumes and special effects were really impressive too. So glad I went. :) The drive wasn't as bad as I expected so thinking maybe I will try it next time :)

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Keep calm and......

Don't burn down your local Odeon cinema lol. Last night I waited up until midnight to book tickets to see the tinkerbell film and the lego movie. However when I tried to book it just kept saying the booking couldn't go through and to ring a number. Tried ringing but it was closed until 10am. Considering the film started at 10:20 and the cinema is a 35 minute drive away that was as useful as a chocolate teapot. I tried and tried and tried but didn't work. By 20 to 2 I had lost the will to live so gave up and went to bed. This morning Scamp woke us bright and early as usual and gave it another go and thank goodness it worked! So me and the girls went to see Tinkerbell while the boys went to see the Lego movie. Tinkerbell was good, def a kids film but girls enjoyed it. The boys LOVED the lego movie! Cameron keeps laughing and telling me about bits over and over again and singing songs from the film. Nice he enjoyed himself with Mark as not often they have time like that together :)
So turned out quite a nice day :) The kids are all shattered after Mollie staying over last night and them staying up longer than they usually do, plus all the excitement and junk food I think gave them a sugar rush and then the obvious crash afterwards lol. Can see an early night coming tonight ;)
Still scrapping so more layouts to share :) Love this idea for using up small scraps. The background was busy enough so didn't really add any embellishments just a title, a flower and a little bit of bling.
Another simple one. Ive got a big pile of diecut cardstock which I never use in case I do then I find the perfect layout it would have gone on iykwim. However thats daft and I have plenty so trying to use some up. These pictures are from when I was painting the walls white and I gave Caitlin a paintbrush to help. The amount of mess she made with a kids paintbrush really was impressive lol.
Still plenty of photos to work through so sure there will be more layouts to share tomorrow :)

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Things heard while kids play mine-craft

Kids both currently love that Minecraft game on the 360. Those who dont you it you cut down trees and build houses and things. I think its as interesting as watching paint dry but the comments they come out with while playing are priceless!

Mark - Why are there a bunch of cows in a hole in the ground?
Cameron - Its my zoo!

Cameron - Caitlin don't touch my stuff or I'll hit you with the pick-axe of punishment!

Caitlin - Mum! Cameron set me on fire!

Cameron - Should I throw an egg at you and see what happens?

Cameron - Caitlin stop jumping off the house!

Caitlin - Why are my legs naked?

Caitlin - Why is there a cow in the hotel?

And this was all in an hour!

Today was such a long day. Scamp woke up at 6am and wouldn't calm down for some reason so I went downstairs and sat with him until everyone else was up and was time to go to Marks hospital appointment. The scan went well but we won't get the results for another two weeks. Then was home to sort out a few bits before an uneventful social meeting. So many of these meetings are just boxes that need to be ticked which I understand but really feel like such a waste of time!
Tonight we have my niece Mollie staying over them tomorrow we're hopefully off to the cinema if I can get tickets. After a rubbish couple of days actually have a few nice days planned. We all know how well my plans go though dont we! ;)
Speaking of plans todays prompt was 'last' These are the last lot of photos that I want to get scrapped before March. In here are photos ranging from the kids being newborns up to a year or so ago. I want to get them all done so I can start scrapping a little more in order which will make putting albums together SO much easier!
Looks like a lot but trust me it was MUCH bigger a while ago!

Monday 17 February 2014

Driving again!

I've got the car back! Will need to borrow some money off my Mum to pay off the credit card bill next month but at least its done. I'm waiting for the next crisis though as the car was one, then my clock two, and these things always come in 3s! Hopefully its something cheap, or something Im not fussed about ;)
Well last night I did manage a layout before I gave in and went to bed. I dug out my October counterfeit kit which I don't think I've used yet :s Tbh I'm not overly fond of it. I don't know if its too squashed together or would have been better with different alphas, but its def not one of my faves.
the story behind the photo is when we went to haven a few years ago my Mum gave Caitlin a Polly doll, who is one of the Haven characters. When we went to see the shows at night Caitlin insisted on taking doll Polly with her to meet real Polly. When Polly came on stage Caitlin held the doll up so she could 'see' and said 'Look there's you!' Bless her :)
Had to take Cameron and Scamp on a looooong walk today. Cam was home all day yesterday and was so hyper! Honestly I don't think he's stopped talking since he got up this morning. So we walked around the streets for a bit and popped in to see my Mum. Poppy and Scamp ran about like usual. Scamp seemed so depressed when Poppy left the other day and they get so excited to see each other :) Its adorable really.
So its 4:15, its dark, cold and horrible outside! Dinner is in the oven and I promised the kids we would make some cookies to warm us up a bit. Marks got his CAT scan tomorrow morning so that will be worrying and very boring for the kids to sit about and wait though so hopefully if we do fun things today it will lessen the blow a bit. Also have social services meeting tomorrow and then Mollie is coming to stay the night. Busy day!

Sunday 16 February 2014

Fun day

Once a year our local Homestart center does a fun day for its families. Usually I go with the family I work with but she didn't want to go this year so I went along to help out anyway. My Mum was on a shopping trip with my gran and as my Dad had to take me I offered to take Mollie with me to give him a break. I was a bit worried about the two of them acting up as they were together but they were both on their best behaviour :)
They had a great time painting glasses, playing with playdough and various other crafting activities. We were there 4 hours and they didn't moan to leave once.
Showed my mum this photo and her first comment was 'But Mollie hates grapes!!' apprently these ones were nice lol.
So home now and I'm ready for bed lol. Hoping to do some layouts tonight as done all I can to my mums mothers day book until I can get some photos developed. Got to go garage in the morning and pay for the car. Ugh its gonna hurt!

Saturday 15 February 2014

SIPIDI bin it!

Well went to the garage this morning to give them my key, to be told its going to be around £150 to get the car fixed :( Gutted. Got to think it was for a reason though, better it happened now than when I was on my way down to wales in a few weeks. So that won't be done till Monday so not much else to do today except stay home and try and rearrange bills lol.
Todays photo prompt was 'learn' and I knew exactly what I wanted to pick :) Cameron is doing his SATs at school soon so they gave him a practice exam to see where he needs to improve. One of the questions asked him to show his working, this was his reply.
Yep he wrote brain and drew a picture of a brain. Think he needs to learn how to write his working a little better ;)
Keeping on the theme of prompts, tonight for dinner I decided to take part in See It, Pin It, Do, It (SIPIDI) and try a pinterest method for cooking mac and cheese. Idea is to cook 2 cups of pasta, in 2 cups of milk and just add one cup of cheese one its cooked. The cheese and milk make the sauce and no need to drain or make a complicated sauce. This was the picture given.
The phrase 'nailed it' doesn't exactly come to mind! Dont know what I did wrong but the cheese curdled and went all lumpy. Ended up in the bin and Caitlin had crumpets for dinner lol. Will be sticking to the tried and tested method in the future ;)

Friday 14 February 2014

Valentines day curse

Mark and I have the WORST luck on Valentines. Someone is always ill, or we get bad news, or plans go to hell for whatever reason. On our first Valentines day Mark surprised me with the plan to take me to Warwick the following day for the weekend to visit the castle and stay in a B&B. Then someone at his work stole £1600 and as he was manager he was stuck sorting that out so we couldn't go. Set the tone for the rest of the time lol. Yesterday started off ok :) I made Mark breakfast in bed and waited on him hand and foot for the day (no different to normal :P) then kids came home from school with valentines day cards. I didn't think kids this young would be giving out cards so was a bit surprised! Camerons was from a girl called Olivia who hes been betrothed to since reception lol. Caitlins was from her friend Rosie :)
Then Mark gave me my gift, a ticket to see Wicked!!! I knew my Mum was taking my niece next week but didn't know I was going too! Very excited!
Caitlin had a valentines day disco at her school so dropped her off, dropped Cameron off at Beavers and popped down to Tesco......
and heres where it started to go wrong. Got in the car to leave and heard a grinding noise from the front wheel. I checked it and noticed it had dropped down. I had had this issue before with an older car so knew the front suspension spring had snapped. Felt about and could feel the jagged end. :( Rung my Mum to get Caitlin as luckily she lives right by the school but as my Dad was at work I needed to ring Nicola to get Cameron. That hurt, lol. Luckily I had just agreed to collect Lillie from nursery in a couple weeks so Nicola needs me on side atm. So rung the AA and was told as they were so busy they wouldnt be there until 7:15, 45 minutes away. I was gutted :( but went back to the car and waited. 7:15 came and went, 8pm came and went and by this time I was cold, freaked out by the car being violently rocked by the wind and was starving! I was also so worried about the price it was going to cost to fix the car and couldnt stop crying. Mark felt bad for me obviously so went into the shop to get me a drink. Came back bless him with some magazines, sandwices, drinks and this pillow to cheer me up.
So not the valentines we expected but at least we were together. AA finally showed at 9 so by the time we towed the car to a garage and got home it was gone 10. Time for a glass of wine and relax..........then Mark accidently knocked over my collectors edition Tinkerbell clock from Disneyland worth just under £200 and smashed it. BEDTIME!!!!!!

Thursday 13 February 2014

Still loves his Mummy :)

Cameron is a boys boy, he likes, guns, computer games and fart jokes. I don't mind this but it makes it hard for me to bond with him as given the choice he would always choose to spend time with his Daddy. I love that they're close but I would like a look in from time to time. Then last night I was woken by a tug on my arm, nothing new, Cameron often wakes at daft hours and asks to watch tv (um no) but he didn't want to watch tv he'd had a nightmare and wanted to sleep in with me. I honestly can't remember the last time that happened. So he cuddled in and went to sleep. The rest of the night I had my baby boy fast asleep in my arms. I loved it :) He's growing up so quick and it won't be that long until he's a teenager and hugs will be a thing of the past! He further amazed me tonight when I asked if either of the kids wanted to walk Scamp with me (usually a no when its cold and they're already in their pjs lol) but Cameron jumped up and said yes. So spent a lovely walk talking about Australian animals hes learning about at school and things he wants to do next week. Feeling in a great mood now :)
Tomorrow is the big legal meeting about my nieces, and to be honest even though I'm happy I'm feeling very drained. It's been a very demanding week so I was relieved tonight to close the door, listen to my babies snore peacefully upstairs and relax for a bit.
Can't wait until tomorrow is over and we at least know what is going on. Then can start to enjoy half term! :)

Wednesday 12 February 2014

One of those days

Ugh, today has been one of those days! This morning was nice but then this afternoon/evening was one of those times where everyone was demanding things of me and I was getting it in the neck when I couldn't give it, even though I was trying at expence to myself! Not that matters.
Rant over, lol. Ironically today's prompt was 'What cheers me up' Usually I would pick the kids or Scamp or something, but as I type both kids are sulking because I won't let them go on the PC and Scamp woke us all at 6am barking at the bin men hes not my fave pup today! While wondering what to pick I was scrolling through the pinterest app on my phone and found myself laughing at some of the posts so decided to take a screen shot of that. :)
As you can see I'm still obsessed with Supernatural. Now halfway through season 4 so thats almost a season a week. Don't know how, not like I have that much spare time! Bet if I tried to find that much time to do something else I wouldn't manage it lol.
Something else to cheer me up was a parcel I got this morning, yummy stash!
The letters are supposed to sell Story but the S didnt make it into the parcel lol. Never mind :) Love that wooden arrow.
Doubt I'll be using it until my retreat as still using up scraps and things, but looking forward to it :)

Tuesday 11 February 2014


Todays prompt was 'Metal' I had no idea what to do but then fate stepped in lol. Last night Mark collected the kids from school, which was simply picking them up from class and walking around the corner to where I was parked. This morning Caitlin couldn't find her hat and gloves. Mark insisted she didn't have it when she came out of school so they must be there. So driving up to school this morning Caitlin suddenly shouts 'I know where my gloves at hat are!!' They were waving to us from the fence lol. Obviously Caitlin had took them out of school, dropped them then some nice person picked them up for us.
This afternoon was another social services meeting about my sister. There's a legal meeting on Friday to see if the higher ups want to keep the kids with Nic or move them. The social workers are very confident that Mollie will remain with my Mum long term though when it comes to the younger two they're not sure. It could either be a case of Nicola is given conditions to live by (dont drink, no drugs etc) or that the towel is thrown in and the girls removed. As its the second time within 2 years this has gone to the legal panel it is likely to be that the girls are removed, but I've learned you can never predict these things. To be honest I'm not even sure what I'm hoping for so will just wait and see and deal when it comes to it, but will keep a bottle of wine chilling in the fridge for either outcome! lol

Monday 10 February 2014

Is it half term yet?!?!?!

In the run up to half term, or any school holidays, the kids become a nightmare! I don't know if its because they're tired, or because they sense a holiday coming up but they start fighting and whinging over everything! So far this morning had two meltdowns and a temper tantrum. One of which was form Caitlin who wanted to take a toy into school. I've banned this as usually it gets broken, lost or she gets upset because people dont play with it right in her mind *rolls eyes* This morning however I gave in and said yes but I don't want to hear about it if it gets broke and ends up in the bin.
Walking to school had almost got there and she hands me the toy 'I've lost a bit somewhere you can put it in the bin now' It didnt even make it to the school!!!!
Todays photo prompt is 'timing' didn't want to do the usual watch or clock photos so took a photo of the new wellies Mum bought me, just in time for the floods and snow we're predicted this week!

Sunday 9 February 2014


Todays prompt was 'Relax' so I took this photo of Cameron and Scamp. For some reason Scamp loves to sit on Camerons back, they often watch tv like that together but in this instance Cameron was trying to do his homework!
Today Caitlin is off with my Mum to the cinema and Cameron is on the computer as a treat. Marks still in bed bless him so once again its really quiet around here. Never trust it when it's this quiet, usually the calm before the storm lol. With not much else to do though I'm whizzing through my Mums mini book. I always struggle with mini books as obviously I have a lot less space than a 12x12 page so always feel as though its unfinished. Mum always likes them though so not too worried. :) The last page is going to be a bit of a gamble though; with my sister being pregnant obviously there is another grandchild on the way, but with the situation its not exactly a joyful experience. I spoke to my gran and I decided to leave the last page blank and put a scan photo of the baby in it. Hopefully Mum will like it :)

Saturday 8 February 2014

Love the weekends

My daughter has a nice bed, comfy mattress, soft pillow, warm duvet etc, does she sleep in it?? NO! The amount of times I've walked in and found her sleeping on the floor, then she refuses to move as shes comfy where she is, its mad! lol. So when I found her like this last night I wasn't too surprised. I love how the teddies are all tucked in nice against the pillow while she really isn't.
Yesterdays photo a day prompt was 'game' which I didn't do because I wanted to share the picture of Caitlin with her certificate :) Todays was 'something beginning with F' so I picked 'Finished!' I trimmed these photos for a sketch challenge over a month ago but decided I didn't like it, so last night I pulled it apart and did this one instead. This was a couple of years ago at Easter, my Mum had done a easter egg hunt for the kids Nd bought them these little masks. Caitlin was not a fan of hers and refused to wear it and got upset, made her laugh when I wore it though ;)
Today has been a general weekend day, lots of relaxing, playing and doing bits and bobs in the house :) This afternoon Caitlin shouted down from upstairs and asked if it was ok for girls to wear boys things. Obviously I said yes Nd didn't give it another thought, then she came down dressed like this, love the cupcake in the utility belt lol.
Well nothing else planned for today so nice and dull. Caitlin's off to the cinema with my mum tomorrow so will do her homework today. I have a deal with my mum where she's taking Caitlin and mollie to see 'Peabody and Sherman' (which I REALLY don't want to go see!) and I take them to see the new tinker bell film :) secretly I want to see that anyway but shhhhhhh don't tell anyone ;)

Friday 7 February 2014


Poor Mark is still suffering from his headache but he managed to come to the school this morning to see Caitlin get her 'star of the week' award. Earlier in the week her class had been talking about ways to help each other, and those who are less fortunate than them and Caitlin came up with some great idea and was really helpful. :) Very proud Mummy moment :) My Gran came and saw her too which was lovely, the kids always love it when people other than me and Mark come to see them, think they're bored of us lol.
So as Marks still poorly we cancelled his appointment this afternoon. We got a letter this morning re-organising his CAT scan for half term so thats good as we don't need to find a babysitter. We're lucky that the kids are pretty well behaved when waiting for appointments. To be honest they're more patient than me!
So from one award to a layout of another. These photos are from when Caitlins nursery did a sports day. I don't think she looks much different than she does now considering it was almost 3 years ago now. Goes so quick :(
Well not much to do today again. Will just potter about I think until its time to get the kids then take Cameron to beavers. He's still loving it which is good :) Theres a disco at the school next friday but cameron doesnt want to go because as he puts it 'At beavers you play games but at a disco you just dance' Well hes not wrong!

Thursday 6 February 2014

Quiet day

No days ever seem to go to plan in this house lol. Today was supposed to be Marks CAT scan, but hes been up most of the night with one of his migranes/tramadol headaches so hes now in bed for probably the rest of the day. Gives me a good opportunity to catch up on a couple of jobs and to start my Mums mothers day book though :) Each year I make her a mini book with photos of all the Grandkids over the year. I did it when Caitlin had just been born and each year shes asked for another one so its a kind of tradition now. Should help use up my scraps too ;)
I forgot to show my photo a day photos yesterday so here they are. The prompt on Tuesday was 'stripe' so I picked this. I was using the lines everyone was lying in as stripes but everyone pointed out my wallpaper is stripy so that helps too lol.
Yesterday was 'I heard' I was sitting on the PC when I heard snoring and turned around to see Scamp and Daddy having a nap on the couch.
Today is weather, but besides taking a photo of a very grey, dull sky I havent thought of anything for that yet so we'll see if I can think of something later.
I'm still scrapping though :) My chair is still my 'throne' though I have organised it a little better so if mark sits on it it doesn't all fall on him now ;) This photo was from either the world cup or the european cup I'm not sure. Cameron was very excited to wear the football kit we bought him in Turkey and sit with his Daddy to watch football. I was surprised because he actually sat though the whole thing. Usually Cameron can't sit still for more than a few minutes at a time! the novelty wore off I think as that was the first and last game he watched all of ;)
Well better get on if I want to get Mums book started. Theres no clubs or anything to run the kids to tonight so looking forward to getting home from school, putting my pjs on and STAYING in away from the rain!