Wednesday 18 May 2011

WOYW um, thursday. lol

Ok, well I did actually start this post yesterday but then I started scrapping and didnt finish it. But at least it's a good reason not to finish it! lol. Ended up doing 3 and 1/2 layouts so feel like my mojo is comming back a bit. :) Also played a game of online bingo with some great ladies, so a good night really. Anyway, what was on my desk was a Button layout I decided to do. :) For my layouts I never buy buttons I just use one's I've cut off my kids old clothes. I also cut shapes and flowers from the material. I thought it was worth documenting that rather than throw their clothes away, I wanted to keep a bit of them always. :) There will be an 's' on the end,once I find one. lol

Yesterday we also boguth some food for when we go away next week. One of the big excitements of going away when I was young was that my mum would buy lots of nice food we wern't usually allowed. So obviously we did the same thing. :) Lots of chocolate biscuits, crisps, sweets and pastrys. lol. Oh and some wine for mummy. :) One thing we got which I was excited about was these.

I know its sad but when we were little these were SO expencive (or maybe we were just poor, lol) we were only allowed them on holiday, and it was the only time we got name brand cerial. So while my kids eat shreddies and cherrios all the time, it really takes me back to my childhood. :) Think im more excited than they are! lol


  1. Lol Variety packs must be holiday food, both me and Ian were just saying we were only allowed them when we went away!

    Glad your mojo is coming back, I've got a thing for buttons at the moment too! xx

  2. LOL Gemma - when we were kids we only had own brand cereals and so it was such a treat on holiday to have the variety pack - we use to go bonkers for them LOL it was only cereal!!

    Thanks for bringing back a happy childhood memory!!

    Karen xx


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