Saturday 21 September 2013

Scavenger hunt

Yey I didn't miss the deadline :) The link will be open all week so here are my last photos :)
4. Airplane - I really struggled with this, every time I saw a plane in the sky I'd pull out my phone to take a picture and it was gone. So figured this counted :) It's Siddeley (not Sidney liek i always though) the spy plane from cars 2.
13. A fence - I did try and find a nice one but will need to settle for our garden fence, which looking at it really needs painting :s
21. A photograph of you with an artistic tool or craft supply (you cannot substitute for this item)- Excuse the state of me, been a long day! Me making lots of christmas boxes with my mini holly punch :)
So that's me got them all except a fisherman and a sundial. These are the links to my other photos :) Was lots of fun doing this and will def take part next time :)

1.Open air market
2. Theater for performing arts (not a movie theater)
3. City Hall, Capitol or other similar civic building
4. Airplane
5. A sunset
6. Someone or something taking a nap
7. A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny
8. A tower
9. A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong
10. A bench that is outside
11. An animal in a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, etc.
12. A cloud in the shape of something (please specify what you see)
13. A fence
14. A stained glass object or a mosaic
15. A fire truck or police car
16. A windmill
17. Candle(s)
18. Your local pub/bar, coffee house or tea shop
19. A fisherman
20. A dinosaur
21. A photograph of you with an artistic tool or craft supply (you cannot substitute for this item)
Bonus/substitute items.
A person wearing an outfit (or item of clothing) that symbolizes your country
A sundial


  1. Glad you got your link in Gemma, if anybody deserves to win, it's you.

  2. Well done on finding almost all of them. The fisherman was my downfall too!

  3. Congrats on finishing! What a great feeling crossing the finish line, eh?

  4. Congratulations, I am to glad you have uploaded your latest finds; I really like the photograph of you with Christmas boxes. Andy

  5. Well done on your finds! Love the photo of you crafting - glad you managed to finish all your boxes at last!

  6. Fun to see your scavenger photos!
    Rinda created a great bit of fun for people all around the globe!
    Greetings from Virginia


Thanks for your comments. :)