Thursday, 13 March 2014

What day is it today?

Well this morning was difficult :( was walking back from the school with scamp when a fluffy lab type looking dog ran up. He wasn't hurting scamp but obviously I didn't know him so picked scamp up. Was walking away when I heard a man screaming and swearing. The dog ran over and the man started kicking him really badly and screaming at him. Was so schooling and upsetting. Hurried home and reported it to the RSPCA but with only a description of the guy and no proof I'm not expecting them to do anything. Not the best start to the day though :(
On a better note I booked tickets to Disney on ice for me, mum and the girls. I'm trying to get over my fear of driving new places so figure that booking the tickets will give me the push I need to drive to the NIA which tbh terrifies me, not until October though so gives me time to psych myself up! On the note of driving I need to drive to Cheshire tomorrow which is kinda scary. It's near where I used to go for Sarah's cards retreat so hopefully shouldn't be too bad as most of it is familiar, with the car overheating the other day though I'm still panicking :s first I need to panic about taking Caitlin, Caitlin's friend Rosie and Cameron to a play enter tonight. Why did I think that would be a good idea?!
Anyway more layouts ;) and again Photos from turkey. At our hotel was a candy floss machine which the kids loved. Every night they were good we'd bribe them with some candy floss. In retrospect giving them pure sugar before bed wasn't the best idea but they enjoyed it ;)
Next is Caitlin on a boat trip. For some reason she was really against getting her photo taken this holiday, so when I bought her this fan from the market she loved using it to hide behind. Cute photos anyway :)
Plan to relax and chill out with mark tonight before I run off again for a couple of days. Thank goodness for my mum! Think I owe her a very good mothers day gift!

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing those little pinwheels pop up on LOs :o) Hope you're having a brilliant time and that your car behaved itself this time x


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