So today was the school summer fair. OMG it was crazy!! After hours and hours of folding tickets it was well worth it. I was constantly taking money, finding winning bottles etc. Ended up making £190 which was more than any other stall! :) Was great fun and I loved doing it and we have loads of bottles left for another one too :)
Didn't hurt that we won a free family swim, and £5 morrisons voucher in the raffle too! I never win anything so was squealing like I'd won a car! lol. The kids came over and played on the games too though were not as lucky. Caitlin won a creepy little porcalain doll though :s that might get 'lost' sometime soon lol.
As I was out all morning I promised the kids I'd play some games with them tonight so Pikmin bingo in my future! With a large glass of wine of course ;)
Well done!