Monday, 25 August 2014

So much stuff!!!!

I will never understand how we manage to fit so much stuff into such a tiny house. This morning Caitlin was still at my Mums and the boys were playing so I decided to tackle my wardrobe. Currently its all the Christmas gifts, crafting things and a few clothes all shoved in lol. First was the Christmas gifts.
Sorted them into piles of whose was whose and moved them into the loft, that was easy, then was the crafting stuff. I found a huge pile of layouts which needed organising.
OMG it took the rest of the day! Sorted them into order and managed to put most of them into albums but need to get some more page protectors to put some more in. Think I'll need to splash out on some albums though as they won't all fit in the ones I have. Currently filled 26 and I'm only up to may 2012!

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