Saturday, 7 December 2013

Christmas craft fayre

Well Star played a trick this morning! Yesterday she was on Marks desk, then this morning when Caitlin took a peep downstairs she was still there! Silly Star made it look like she hadn't moved, But when I went down to make breakfast while kids were doing their teeth she was in the kitchen with a box of 'Elf seeds' We weren't sure what we were supposed to do with them until Santa sent us a txt saying we were to plant them in a bowl of sugar and tomorrow they will have grown into something special.
Caitlin thinks Star was playing a trick by not moving, I think however it was because I didn't get to bed until gone 12 last night, then when I was just dozing off I heard 'Christmas is gone! Christmas is gone! then hysterical laughter. God knows what Cameron was dreaming about! Had to go wake him then settle him again. Was just dozing off second time when I heard Caitlin crying. Go to check on her and she wasn't in her room! By now it was 1:30 so my brain wasn't working and I had a complete heart attack thinking someone had took her and I heard her crying as they dragged her out before I realised it was coming from downstairs still. Poor girl had sleepwalked downstairs looking for me and paniced I wasn't there. Took her to bed and calmed her down. managed to sleep about an hour this time before Cam came in with sore legs so he ended up in bed with us too. managed about 2 hours sleep I think. So rather than playing a trick, I think nobody was asleep in the house long enough for Star to manage to do anything lol.
Today was the craft fayre at the school. We've been planning this for weeks and I've spent ages messaging craft stalls and various other places to find stallholders. I admit I was really worried it was going to be a bust but we made about £420 between renting out tables and running games and craft activities for the kids, including decorating the almost 400 gingerbread men and stars I cut out :) We managed to make £280 at the school disco and have a couple of other events between now and Christmas so hopefully will make about a grand before then.
Really enjoyed today though :) Was a busy one again obviously but Caitlin came to help. Was so proud watching her with the younger with the younger kids. A lot of parents came in and just played with their phones or chatted so she helped them with where was best to put the glitter glue, reaching pencils etc. She looked so grown up and had so much patience with them. Was bitter sweet as shows how mature she is getting but at the same time shows what a great kid she is. :) Another busy day tomorrow! Off on a trip to Twin lakes theme park with Homestart, so excited! Got to make a picnic then early night is needed I think!

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