Today Cameron went to his friend Jacks house, he loves it there and Jacks such a sweet little boy with a nice family so I don't worry about him going :) They only live a short walk away so decided me and Cait would walk him round with Scamp. No joke as soon as we dropped him off the ksy opened and we all got SOAKED! We were actually dripping when we got in. Mark gave Scamp a warm bath (he loves baths) while Cait and I got dry and into warm onesies. After having some one on one time with Cameron the other day was nice to have some girly time with Cait, typically as she always does she wanted to wear pjs, do make-up, eat sweets and watch tv. Well who was I to argue!? lol. We ended up watching The little mermaid two and three but not one lol, strange child. Mum got her some weird lolly pop thing with fake teeth on it so had to get a picture!
Mum, Bri and Mollie are coming round later for new years eve. They won't stay until the bells obviously but will be nice to play some games for a bit :) Also a good opportunity to use up all the party food still in the freezer!
Great photo :D