Saturday 22 January 2011

Tickets and shopping!

Well hospital didnt go as well as we'd hoped. Marks bones are thinning so he's being sent to a bigger hopsital for a spinal scan. Wont be for a while yet though so more waiting, which I'm not very fond of.
ON a hppier note our tickets to disneyland came this morning. yey! Starting to get excited at times. Think becuse Im going to a retreat the weekend before it seems like ages away. The kids know they're going now, we were going to wiat untill they got there but as was shown at christmas I have NO willpower. lol.
Speaking of willpower we had another visit to TKmax this week. Really, I need more paper like I need a hole in the head but I DO need more albums. Now album refills alone are £5, so to get an album, refill, papers and embellishments for £5, well you'd be daft to say no! (wouldnt you, of course you would. :) )
So dispite the fact we can not afford them at all my lovley hubby bought these for me. :)

Ok so the middle one doesnt have an album but it was £3 and included stiched cardstock, would have been daft to say no to that too :p

1 comment:

  1. Thank goodness we don't have a TK Max here LOL!!!

    Those albums are a bargain! It would have been wrong to have left them on the shelf LOL!!


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