Caitlin unwrapping her Belle dress. She's still at the stage where she unwraps each gift, then plays with it for a bit. Drove Cameron mad as he had paper flying everywhere. lol. Kept telling him to slow down and wait for Caitlin to open a few.
I dont think i need to tell you what the main theme for Camerons gifts were! Hes got a stupid amount of track now, really has to be enough as its taking over the livingroom! Think my dad and mark are hoping he'll be into hornby soon and they can play too. lol.
Off to Nannies for breakfast and more toys, look how grown up my boy looks!!! I admit I cried. lol. Was funny at breakfast as the kids sat quietly at the table and ate their food and my mum as usual was gushing 'Look they eat so well! Oh she wants more bread, Brian! Wheres the bread!' Its always funny as my neices eat nothing, seriously they would have a spoonfull of rice for dinner and be quite happy. My two on the other hand take after their parents. (lose weight is a resolution again this year. lol)
Caitlin in her pretty dress opening her dolls house.
Yeah sorry Lillie. lol
Look at my happy little girl!!!! Isn't she just the picture of sweetness and light! Yeah I know, god help me when she turns 13.
Another happy one of caitlin. lol. Oh well, everyone else looks nice. This is actually the only photo in existence of the four of us together. Next resolution, more photos.
All in all a great christmas :) I got some great scrapping stuff along with a very pretty ring and braclet (pictures to follow) and Mark loved his signed Jamie Oliver book. :) Finding places for all the toys was not so fun however. Still settling stuff in now and we're 9 days gone! lol
Looks like a great time was had by all and the pic of the four of you looks brill too