Wednesday 22 June 2016

What a week

What. A. Week. Here's a run down to whats happened so far.
Monday - I've mentioned before how Caitlins always complaining she feels poorly, but as its usually just before bed or school so we put it down to her playing us. Anyway over the weekend I ripped up her carpet to be replaced this week, monday morning I went into her room to see if it was tidy and the smell of gas hit me like a ton of bricks.
Phoned the emergency line and turns out there's been a mild leak under Caitlins room for no idea how long and her being ill was a possible sign of carbon minoxide poisoning. I cannot tell you how guilty I felt. :( Took Cait to the drs though and they said she was fine so that was such a relief. Thank god I lifted her carpet when I did!
Tuesday - Mark had a hospital appointment to check his bone density. Turns out the current meds are not doing their job well enough so he'd being put on an IV one. He'll need to go in every few months to get it so that was a blow.
Wednesday - So on to today. Today was a landmark day in a way. Camerons first full blown meltdown at school :( If I'm being positive the good side is the school have now seen what I'm talking about. His poor teacher was really shaken. She loves Cam to bits so seeing him so upset and unconsolable was hard. He was really weepy for the rest of the night too so is currently sleeping in Mummy and Daddys bed.
Tomorrow is blood tests for Mark then Im classing the weekend as beginning!!! I cannot wait for this weekend!!


  1. Goodness, I think you need a treat and some hugs! x

  2. Yikes, that's a few too many blows in a row. Consider yourself hugged!


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