Anyway this is one I did of a piece of work from Cameron nursery. He was playing at the cutting table and put two pieces of paper together and announced he'd made a diamond :) Clever boy. Its actually a nicer layout in real life, looks a bit orange in the photo. lol
Quick one of Caitlins mothers day card she made for me this year.
And Camerons, I love that square grid paper, wish I had more of it! lol
Plan to add journal ling to this on the notebook paper I used as the background. In Camerons class they have different reading groups but obviously rather than tell the kids who is the 'cleverest' they are different Mr men. This is the group camerons in, which incidentally is the top group :) I wont tell the kids that though, lol.
This is the card Mark made me for mothers day last year. I love looking at these and seeing how their writing is improving. Cameron could just about do his name in his last year, this year its full sentences :)
Well had that interview this morning to see if I should be working, do admit I was worried about it but the lady was really nice and said clearly its not right for me at the moment. She even gave me advice on how to appeal if Marks benifits get shot down again. :) So thats one worry off my mind, still plenty more in there though! lol
Sending you love and hugs Gemma xx