Friday 28 September 2012

Respite weekend

Well this weekend is my respite, once a year Mark mates take him away for the weekend giving me a break, which I love and hate in pretty much equal measure. I love Mark obviously but being a carer 24/7 for not just the kids but him too is hard work. I can put the kids on the naughty step if they don't do as they're told, not so easy with him. So I love the break, but I also hate being apart. Worrying if his mates are taking care of him (they always have done but thats not the point lol) and feeling guilty that I'm relaxing without him. But it is what it is, and I know if I sit about doing nothing I'll regret it when he comes home, so I've managed to stuff as much as possible into today lol. This morning was a proud Mummy morning :) Cameron got a certificate in assembly for always doing his best and being so well behaved :) Was glad that timing allowed Mark to go too. :)
After that was home to clean, pack Marks bits, then dropping Mark off at the train station to meet his mates. Town, shopping, bank and coffee with mum (MUCH needed at that point!) Then home to pick up kids, do dinner and planned to relax. Yeah that didnt happen! For some reason whenever Marks away I decide now is the time to get some big job done. I get too restless without a million things to do I think. So with Camerno at my Mums, me and Caitlin decided to put on MTV and start painting the living room :)
She actually loved it, lol, she was gutted when it was done lol. Well as much as we could do was done, I wasn't about to start pulling out the PC and all that with caitin at my ankles! Thats a job for when shes at school I think lol. Would like to do it tomorrow but mums coming round tomorrow night for pizza and games with the kids so will be gutting the house for that visit! Think she worries about me being on my own, typical mum I guess. :) Right well I've got to finish putting the livingroom back together and then off to bed!

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