Monday 8 December 2014

Santa house

Ok I admit I'm being naughty again. I've let blogging slide and I'm cheating and going back to cover old days while I have a spare few minutes. :) So without further ado, and before another crisis comes up!
Monday Star brought a little gift each for the kids. They looked like ordinary pencils but when you held them and they got warm they changed colour!! Not that Caitlin was convinced, her hands were so cold bless her she couldn't warm it up enough to make it change!
Now that the Christmas party is over there is a lot more room in my house. My floor was covered in goodie bags, prizes, activity equipment etc so was a big relief to have it done. Today was spent tidying up our room and moving the gifts we were storing in the garage into there instead. While our garage roof seems fine I always worry there will be a leak and they will get ruined. particually with the weather we're predicted over the next week.
Today on the event calender was making a gingerbread house. However I forgot about this and used up all the icing yesterday so made a foam house from a kit Caitlin had instead.
Silly Mummy got told off though. Was halfway through the house, gluing it together and making a big mess, when Caitlin says 'the back is coming off of this bit' Yep, they were all sticky backed!!!! Bad Mummy lol.
Love the result though. Its from a huge craft kit I got for £5 in the January sale last year. Has SO much stuff in it! Might keep an eye out for another one this year.

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