Saturday 22 June 2013

Not quite a bargain

Remember last night how I said I was going to do ironing while the boys had boy time? Well that went out the window lol. Marks hay fever got REALLY bad where his eyes were all swollen and streaming so we ended up down Tescos at 9:15 getting him some medication for it. As it was late I was hoping to get some bargains but no luck, in fact some reductions were not the bargains they seemed to be lol.

I did point this out to a member of staff but he said they had to put the original price into the reduction machine which then makes the reduced price. OK fair enough but can't see it selling anytime soon lol. When we got home Cameron was still wide awake so I decided, against my Mummy, overprotective judgement, to let him stay up and watch dr Who with us. He'd been asking for a while to watch it but some episodes creep me out let alone a 6 year old. Really shouldn't have worried. He kept comparing it to Ben 10 and seemed to really enjoy it. Mark and I less so thanks to the constant questions but there you go lol. He did ask to watch another one on Saturday when Caitlin came home but I while I could manage to let Cameron watch it I realllllly didn't think it was a good idea for Caitlin so said no on that one! Nice to know that we can watch it with him when shes at Nannys though. :)

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